Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Tarot Redux

People who know me well know that I have been fascinated (to put it mildly) by tarot for four decades. I have read the cards in a variety of settings including fairs and events, online readings, in my home, and even on tarot phone lines.

I moved across country twice in as many years, and my cards got packed away. This of course, prompted me to buy new decks, rather than tackle the chore of going through dozens of boxes and bins where my old ones were stored.

This past Christmas, my eldest son showed an interest in learning tarot. It prompted me to begin writing a book on the subject, to create in one source, everything I know about the cards. This is primarily so that my children will always have access to my thoughts and experiences on the subject should they ever take an interest in it and I'm no longer here to speak to them about it. Being older now, the idea of preserving my tarot insights for my children, and anyone else for that matter, to peruse at their own leisure, is attractive to me.

I bought my son his own first deck of tarot, and during this process, it made me long for my old familiar cards that I haven't seen in a while. I solicited the help of my husband and together we dug through most of the boxes in our basement to find many of my old decks from the 70's through the 90's. I still haven't found all of them,

Being reconnected to my old decks has been amazing. Some were more beautiful than I remembered, some not so much. But as I rediscovered each of them, it was like being reunited with an old friend.

Since it coincided with the new year, I resolved to make tarot a greater presence in my life. I committed to an Instagram feed  where I do one daily reading at the start of each day. It is the first thing I do every day, some days even before my morning coffee. It has become part of my daily zen. I wake up, choose a deck for the day, cleanse and charge it. I think of an intent for all my followers, I focus on something along the lines of, "What is something that we all need to work on today?" I have taken a collective approach to my readings, not focusing on myself, but on all of us. The collective self.

I handle and mix the cards while focusing on my intent. When it feels right, I pull a card from the deck and that is the card I use for the day's message. Sometimes multiple cards spontaneously fall from the deck before I deliberately choose, and in those instances, those are the cards I use.

It's been wonderful for me to commit, not just to use the cards for profit or for myself on a daily basis, but to really commit to using them every day for a much broader audience. I have a respectable following after just a few months, with more followers than I have for my other instagram feed for my unrelated business account which has been up and running for nearly two years! Although only in the low hundreds, it is an auspicious beginning and I am proud of what I am accomplishing and happy to be doing it. Much like riding a bike, it is a process that comes naturally to me. I am a visual person and often think in pictures, not words. Tarot is like that too.

In order to keep the feed interesting to my followers, I use a variety of decks and always identify all of them. Most days I offer a 2nd photo, either a selection of random cards from 'the deck of the day,' or sometimes a collection of one particular card from a variety of decks for comparison.

My primary purpose is to have an intelligent feed devoted to tarot, to present it in the best possible way. Non threatening and educational, especially for followers who are curious and enjoy a daily read. The teacher in me wants to educate as well. The beauty of tarot is that every card relates to every person, every day. It's the way they're made. It's virtually impossible to miss. They are always relevant.

A lot of people must agree because I've been getting so many requests for readings that I had to set up an online tarot website dedicated to readings and, I now also have a tarot blog.

I welcome any of you interested in my passion, to join my Instagram feed. If you are like most of my followers, I believe you will begin to look forward to 'the card of the day.'

xoxox~ Marilyn


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